I love creating great things with great people, especially developer tools, platforms and ecosystems.
I'm passionate about:
- designing scalable and evolving solutions that improve human lives
- creating user and developer experiences for the Web
- empowering developers and helping them succeed
- collaborations and open source software
- building relationships, engineering teams, and global communities
- code quality, API design, and developer productivity
I feel fortunate that I've been able to dedicate the last 15 years of my professional life to helping developers by building infrastructure, APIs, and tooling for the Web.
Some of the projects I helped to create include AngularJS, Angular, and Karma. Together with my team, I built some of the biggest Web development communities at Google, and also in the open source. I collaborated with the TypeScript team to bring type-checking and better tooling to mainstream Web developers. I've worked with browser vendors to improve Web APIs. And I've improved the Web development ecosystem through creation of pragmatic best practices like conventional commits and evergreen libraries.
I've learned most of my engineering skills from Open Source projects, and over the years I've tried to give back via open-sourcing projects of my own and contributed to various OSS projects that crossed my path.
I enjoy making the Web an awesome place for users, and a productive development platform for developers.
When I have something interesting to share, I speak at conferences, or run workshops and meetups.
I believe in the power of the human mind, and try to emphasize empathy and feelings in our daily lives. I'm intrigued by neuroscience, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and endurance sports.
In my free time, I enjoy experiences of any and all kinds, especially when they happen outdoors in nature, or include good people and food.